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Page Updated on 16 Feb 2018
Indian Academy of Pediatrics Intensive Care Chapter
Minutes of the GB of 2018 held at NCPCC 2018 at Coimbatore at 5:30 pm on 16 th Nov.2018
Dr D P Nakate, Secretary of chapter, welcomed the members present for the meeting.
Minutes of the GBM of Chandigarh were read & discussed. The following decisions were taken during the meeting:
1) At present, there are 17 (11 old and 6 new) state branches of the Chapter. All of them, especially the respective OBs of the branch chapters, should be reporting to theSecretary & Chairperson of the main chapter. Any change in branch O.B. should be informed to the main chapter without fail. All activities conducted by respective state branches should be under central office & they should report it to Secretary PICC. All existing city branches should take prior permission from their respective state chapters before conducting any activities.
2) All the chapters should be registered with charity commissioner of the respective location & audit report of the state branch activity is must. If any help is needed in respect of chapter registration, help can be taken from central IAP office.
3) The prerequisites for chapter registration will be updated on Website of chapter shortly.
4) It was informed that the registration of PICC was in process and is expected to be completed in next 2 months at Mumbai. The office of PICC will be at Central IAP Office keeping in mind the space & assistance that can be sought from central office. This suggestion was wholeheartedly agreed by the Central IAP President, Dr. Santosh T. Soans.
5) Dr. Nakate appraised the house about the progress of the EPIC course since the beginning of the year till date. It was also decided that the EPIC & BPIC courses will be conducted by PICC. A royalty of Rs.5000/- will be charged to the EPIC conducting branch &Rs 500/- will be taken as the book cost for each copy of the book in demand(postage will be charged extra). It was also decided to revise the EPIC course manual in the month of Dec.2018 itself so that the TOT can be planned to be held at the time of PEDICON in Feb 2019.
6) Dr. Sanjay Ghorpade (Accreditation Secretary) outlined the progress of the 1 year fellowship program of PICC. In this, 50 applications were received. Out of them, 18 institutes were inspected with all stringent criteria’s in place& 14 institutes have been completely evaluated in first session of the year itself. 9 institutes out of 30 institutes have completed the inspection in the second session itself. & institutes have been newly accreditaed
7) It was decided to follow the below mentioned affiliation fee structure for the various institutes:
a. Rs. 20000/- as application fee,
b. Rs. 10000/- as fellow registration fee,
c. Rs. 30000/- as affiliation for the institutes.
d. Rs. 15000/- as Subscription charges for PICC journal for institutes & other hospitals.
e. All the state & city branches conducting conference should pay amount of Rs. 10000/- &Rs. 5000/- respectively to central PICC chapter.
8) NCPIC 2019 will be held at Bangaluru on 5th to 8th Dec. 2019. Early bird registration was decided to be Rs. 6000/- for the delegates.
9) Dr. Bakul Jayant Parekh, in-charge chairperson as well as Dr. Mahesh Mohite, EB Member, played a very dynamic role in the discussion regarding the issue of College & Chapter amalgamation.
a. It was decided to have the college renamed as “College of Pediatric Critical Care”, which shall be under the IAP Intensive Care chapter and it shall be the sole academic wing of the chapter.
b. It was also decided that the Present Chancellor of the college, Dr. Pravin Khilnani, will continue to be the vice-chancellor of the college till December 2019 and that Dr. Suchitra Ranjit will take over the reins post that tenure.
c. The Chapter president will be the default Chancellor of the college during his/her tenure.
d. It was also decided that only the teachers’ pool will have the right to vote the vice-chancellor of the college. It was also decided to have all the fellowship matter handled solely by the college with funds from the chapter.
e. All other issues like courses, conferences, journals, website, etc. will be handled by the chapter with the help of all members and senior advisors.
f. It was decided that the academic wings of both the sections will be combined together along with the teachers’ pool. These will work under the chapter.
g. The academic budget as well as the academic activities (such as conducting entrance exam, Exit exam , syllabus, pattern of exam ,exam centre, declaration of exam, question bank preparation, etc.) will be planned and fixed prior to the beginning of the year.
h. The accreditation of all the institutions with defined norms will be done and will be reported to Secretary & Chairperson of chapter itself. A notice regarding the same will be put up on the website as well.
i. All the senior teachers & founder members will be respectfully given the responsibility as advisers for the academic activities of the chapter. They shall be bestowed upon with designations such as Professor Emeritus or equivalent.
10) A committee of 13 members - 5 from each zone along with 2 EB members & the President of CIAP will be nominated to work upon the amalgamation agenda with inputs from all the committee members. Its finalization will be done as early as possible & any points which needs modification will be completed latest by 15th of January 2019. The same will be documented at the SGM, which is planned to be held at Pedicon 2019 in February. Further working of the academic & administration will be through the chapter only. No parallel activities/programs will be allowed to run. It was further decided to keep the college constitution as dormant (nonfunctioning) for 2 years till all the working pattern becomes smooth & later it can be dissolved.
The members nominated are Dr. Nakate Secretary ,Dr. Bakul Parekh, Dr. Sanjay Ghorpade,Dr Mahesh Mohite, Dr.Praveen Khilnani, Dr.Suchitra Ranjeet, Dr. Kishan Chug, Dr. Jayashri M. Dr.Dinesh Chirla,Dr. Deopujari, Dr. Anil Sachdev,Dr.Yogesh Parikh (Central EB IAP), & President Dr. Santosh Soans.
11) Dr. Bakul Parekh narrated his action plan for year 2019 along with the important activities planned during the International Summit in the month of June. The running of the EPIC course after a few rectifications& revisions of the BPIC course. The 5 zonal CMEs along with the responsibilities were given to each EB of the zone.To raise the funds for the chapter, few actions are needed & will be taken care of soon. It was also decided to have a 1-day Pediatric certified simulation workshop. The same will be put up as a part of the action plan of the chairperson. Ventilation workshops – both basic & Advanced courses – are also in the pipeline.
12) Progress of the journal & Website launch demonstration was done by Dynamic managing editor of the journal,Dr. Vinayak Patki. It was decided that the Fellows should have at least one publication before completion of their tenure. It was urged to have more & more intensivists submit the papers for publications. New articles should be promoted.
Dr. Sanjay Ghorpade (Accreditation Secretary) outlined the progress of the 1 year fellowship program of PICC. In this, 50 applications were received. Out of them, 18 institutes were inspected with all stringent criterias in place& 14 institutes have been completely evaluated in first session of the year itself. 9 institutes out of 30 institutes have completed the inspection in the second session itself. The report from the inspector & accreditation was given to 7 new institutions as per their merit & those who didn’t fulfill the norms were given compliance for the time being
13) Dr. Vikas Taneja, Treasurer, appraised the house about the audited account for 2017-18. After some deliberations, the same were passed in EB. It was also decided that all the transactions of the bank will be notified to Treasurerhenceforth, even though signatures may be 2 out of three.
14) Elections for 2019 could not be declared because of the insufficient funds available with the chapter. For time being an adhoc committee will be nominated & election notice will be sent as per the norms of chapter bylaws. Adhoc members will be nominated by consensus to avoid the election.following are the adhoc committee members :
Chairperson:Dr.Bakul Parekh ,chairperson elect : Dr. Basavraj G.V.Vice Chairperson: Ebor Jacob, Secretary : Dr Nakate D.P. Jt.Secretary : Dr.arunkumar Baranwal, Treasurer Dr.Vikas Taneja, E.B. members as follows:
Dr.Sachin Shah Pune Dr. Mahesh Mohite Panvel,Dr. Lokesh Tiwari,Dr.M. Pao, Dr. Dinesh Chirla , Dr. Satyen Gyani, Dr. Maninder, Dr. K. Rajenderan,Dr. Rameshkumar.
Editor In Chief JPICC : Dr. Kundan Mittal, Managing Editor Of JPICC Dr. Vinayak Patki,
15) The conference organizing team comprising of Dr. K.Rajendran, Dr.Mullai Balaji & team were sincerely appreciated for providing excellent academic feast , good hospitality & the best food as well.
16) The outcome of the meeting was very fruitful with a number of points being discussed in a healthy manner across the table
Dr.Vikas Taneja
Chairperson PICC 2018
Dr. D. P. Nakate
Secretary PICC 2018-19